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The Geneva Manual on Responsible Behaviour in Cyberspace: The Role of Non-State Stakeholders in the Implementation of Norms

Virtual discussion at the GFCE Working Group A&B Is there a need, and why, for an international approach to protect critical infrastructure (CI)? Are there any additional sectors or dependencies which should be categorised as critical? What are the main existing and emerging threats and risks to CIP, considering the emerging tech such as [...]

Geneva Dialogue masterclass:
The role of regional organisations to facilitate the implementation of cyber norms and CBMs

On 20 March, the Geneva Dialogue on Responsible Behaviour in Cyberspace organised a masterclass, the first one in a series in 2024, to start analysing the implementation of the existing norms and confidence-building measures (CBMs) related to critical infrastructure protection. In particular, the masterclass focused on the work of regional organisations: their ongoing projects, [...]

The Geneva Manual side-event at the OSCE

On 12 March in Vienna, the Geneva Dialogue organised the side-event: “The Geneva Manual on Responsible Behaviour in Cyberspace and its application in the OSCE region: The Role of Non-State Stakeholders in Enhancing Cybersecurity and Building Confidence”. The side event discussed the roles and responsibilities of various stakeholders in promoting responsible behaviour in cyberspace, [...]

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